Friday 20 March 2009

I've always wanted to look like a fighter...

Yep, I always have wanted to look like someone who could kick your ass from here to Neverland.

Although I'd like to make it clear that I've never wanted to be that type of guy. Apart from my interest in nunchucks, which I've never used on anyone, I have no interest in turning myself into a fighter. Quite the opposite, I haven't killed anything for years.

Even when a bug is flying in my face, i shoo it away, rather than hitting it for a home-run with a magazine. The best example of this would be last week, I had a spider dangling from my fringe on a single strand. I think most people would have jumped. I tried to blow it off, not taking into account that it would swing away, and then back into my face. So i collected it in my hand and let it scuttle up a wall.

I digress. I've lifted weights, grown my hair long, cut it short, stared at pictures of Tony Jaa and Bruce Lee for inspiration. I even copied the Rocky movies and began downing raw eggs in the mornings and after work outs, hoping it would make me ripped. Sadly, genetics didn't play fair and despite doing everything right, I hit my limits, falling way short despite being able to lift a lot. I just don't have the type of body that puts on much muscle.

That was all before Uni of course. Now I'm growing my hair long (I've just been stared at longingly by a hairdresser from his shop window = good sign) and will start my press ups routine soon, let's see what happens this time. But first, the Pudsey Beer Festival!

While I'm blogging, does anyone else find it difficult to resist saying goodbye on the phone in a silly voice? The more I say goodbye, the higher/lower my voice goes, so after three goodbyes I sound like either Barry White or Joe Pasquale. It maketh no senseth.

P&L :)

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