Sunday, 1 February 2009

First February Blog

And how am I feeling so far? Hmm...

I had a surprise visit from my homies today, that was really cool to hang out with them. Oh and last night at SeOne was dope!

This evening though, I was sent out to see some comedy show. Except I couldn't find it - even with SatNav - and missed it as a result! Only when I got home did I work out where it was, and it was so obvious (although NOT the address they stated on their website - dickheads). SO hopefully my boss will not kill me, but if I never post again; you'll know why. Avenge my death :P

Looking forward to February though, I think it could be a great month.

I have a '25 things you don't know about me' thing to fill out now, so I'm going to do that, I'll put it up here. I love how I am talking to myself here really, ah I wish I had something a bit more interesting to say. One thing is... I think my liver is getting stronger :)


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