Monday, 19 January 2009

Brief blog

I want to be in bed by 11pm (I know) so this is going to have to be quick, but basically I want to moan about my day but explain how one should and shouldn't look at negative things. Actually, that's a bit big of me to say that, but this is how I look at things, which I believe is the correct way.

Today, I forgot my Oyster card, was late, and the trains were delayed. In addition, I felt sick and hadn't had enough sleep over the weekend. It wasn't the most fantastic way to start the morning, my Mp3 player then decided to run out of batteries as I was standing on the platform. Luckily I had a book, Obama's, but as it turned out the tube was so busy I couldn't even read it.
Everyone around me was pretty peeved, and rightly so. I saw it differently - this can only get better, maybe this is my bad karma, in the meantime lets laugh at the situation. I obviously wasn't standing in the tube laughing away, but it was a situation that, if you didn't look at is positively, you would just get very frustrated about. The way back was the same, although this time I had my recharged mp3 player so I was ready to roll. I think I am definitely going to check the tube before I go out tomorrow morning!

That's all I wanted to say, but as it is 22:59 I should add I am REALLY excited about Obama officially becoming the President tomorrow. He is an intriguing man, and I wish him all the best, as his decisions will ultimately have an effect on the safety and sanity of the people on planet earth. If that makes sense. I will be tuning in at work most definitely.

It's now 23.01 so I better head to bed. P&L

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