Monday, 22 June 2009

Yet again, I haven't blogged in ages - bad me!

In fact, I’ve barely written anything in ages either – aside from a quick blues song about being sunburnt, it’ll be a hit – but apart from that, I just haven’t had the motivation. Or maybe I feel I am too good to write? Unlikely. No I think the real reason is that given the amount of essays and critical analysis’s, and exams, the pleasure of writing is sucked out, and writing feels like a chore. Well, this isn’t very good – especially not for my blog – so I’ll try and get back on it, like Sonic.

My last blog was basically a pretty lame list of reasons why I haven’t been blogging much, and maybe this will also descend into one, we’ll see (I don’t plan these things, ever. Maybe I should, hmm).

SO, big in my life right now is the harp. Not the humungo homo stringed instrument, but the uber cool harmonica. There’s a long story as to why it’s called the harp, so go research it if you like. Playing the harmonica is really tough, but oddly fun. There’s a massive sense of self satisfaction when you knock out a whole tune without missing any notes, or accidentally hitting an extra hole and rendering the whole thing obsolete – well in my eyes anyway. I’ve actually ordered four more harmonicas to add to my collection (of two) so hopefully they should come tomorrow, if they don’t I won’t be a happy camper.

I’ve also been embracing movies. I tend to be the kind of guy who just downloads fuck loads (sorry mum) of movies, and then never actually watches them. But in the last few days I’ve seen:

  • Notorious (Average)
  • The Hangover (BLOODY HILARIOUS)
  • Transformers 1 and 2 (Apparently it was something about alien robots, I just noticed Megan Fox)
  • Nick & Norahs Infinite Playlist (Pretty lame, I could totally write something better! I loved the gay guys though)
  • Yes-Man (Seen it before, but it once again made me laugh)
In addition to all this wowzer long movie stuff, I’ve been watching the T20, which ended today unfortunately. Pakistan beat my second favourite team the Sri Lankans, I was rather gutted.
I really want to get fit this summer. So far I’ve been playing lots of football, and doing erratic amounts of sit ups (3 one day, 100 the next), which is just swell, I need to put my foot on the metal!

And that’s pretty much it in terms of new stuff that I’m comfortable with sharing with the whole world. I’m reading Wild Swans = a classical Chinese tale, and ‘The adventures of a real life gigolo’, at the mo, gotta keep it varied!

Hope all is well with absolutely everyone. P&L YO!